Thursday, February 21, 2013

Two year old twins.....I don't believe it!

 Yesterday I woke up, and all of a sudden I had two, two year olds!  Are you kidding me?  How did this happen?  Well it did, and here is a semi - quick overview of the last two years via pictures.
 Alan and I are embarking on new territory here, ok let's be honest, ever since having Cecilia and Jude we've been in all sorts of new territory when it comes to children.  But this time, for the first time, we have two year olds........ and I'm not holding a new born in my arms.  
 I checked out my blog from the twins birth and it is so amazing to look at Stephen and Abby.  They were so young, Abby was two weeks shy of 2 herself!  Wow!  God is Amazing isn't He!  
 These past two years have been full of laughter, joy, some tears, extreme amount of patience (moments of lost patience) and a level of learning and growth that I'm not sure Alan and I knew was possible in two years.  
 So here we are, a very spirited joyful 5 1/2 year old, a beautiful almost 4yr old, and two amazingly different 2 yr olds.  So what's next?
 Well, that's up to God!
 I digress. 
 These have been some of the greatest years and memories of my life.
 And I am sure any mother would say the same!  

   Thank you for joining us on this journey, and supporting us in so many ways!  I can't even begin to express to our families and friends who have been there for us when we needed an extra hand! Thank you!!

Happy birthday Cecilia and Jude!

You have brought so much joy and life into our lives! I can't wait to see what God has in store for us next! :)


vercfamily said...

Beautiful family, Jessica!

Lauren said...

Beautiful post, beautiful family!