Sunday, December 6, 2009

Random moments

I have some pretty darn good lookin kids if I do say so myself :) And since I can never, and I mean never get pictures of them together, I had to post this one! :) They are so funny in the bath tub, I'm sure many of you have the same experiences as we do - but to say the least, bath time happens to be my children's favorite time
Now this is my personal favorite of our "Christmas pictures" b/c I think it shows a small glimmer into our funny/chaotic/personality filled life! ( I had a death grip on Stephen to hold him there!)
Another random moment in the Maddox family - I really, really, wanted a picture of them sitting together, but Stephen was a bit interested in driving his tractor through the pile of leaves I had built up for him. So he just wouldn't take a picture with Abby - this is the best I could get :) Silly little guy, I had to bribe him just for this - I wasn't obviously ready for it :)

1 comment:

Molly Melnick said... look beautiful in your family picture. And who is that cute guy you are with?? Oh yeah, Allen. It has been so long since I have seen him in person!