Sunday, December 13, 2009

A step by step guide to Beef Bourguignon.........kinda

What sounds like more fun than an afternoon filled with great friends, cooking, and then an evening with an amazing dinner and a movie! So here we go....
Step 1 - Make sure you have enough wine - you do actually have to put some in the recipe
Fancy blue pot, just in case the recipe doesn't turn out at least it might look good in this!
Step 3 - husbands please take toddlers out of the house
Don't forget the meat....
The yummy bacon......
Now we're cookin - good lookin!
Add one pregnant lady....
Then one silly goose!
Mix well together to equal great friends and fellowship
Enter in the children....
And of course the husbands..... yes that's football on tv
We're still cooking.....Hey Lauren, don't burn the baby!!!
Can someone please say yummmmmmmyyyy.......
Then set the table, light the Advent wreath....

Now everyone say Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

1 comment:

Molly Melnick said...

Looks good! How did it come out? Do yo have the Mastering The Art of French Cooking?? I want that book!!