Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Please help!

 Ok, so you know how after having babies your brain is like mush?  Well, after having two and two toddlers I can easily say my brain is gone!
 so I need your help, right now I have found myself in strange situations - I will be around people and have NOTHING to say!  If you know me you know this is crazy!
 What it comes down to is my day (24hrs) is spent with little ones.  I love this, I am so thankful for this opportunity and time with my children; but when you add in the mush brain and little kids that equals nothing to say!
 My solution, I need to start putting more adult like material in my brain so I can then have something to think about/talk about
So here's what I need - a reading list!  Anything that would keep my attention, anything! I am currently reading a great spiritual book - but I have found that when I'm reading things that are deep it is very hard for me to consentrate on it, b/c I'm tired and my brain is mush.  So please leave a comment, let me know what you are reading, and then next time I see you at the park I won't just stand there like a mute silly goose who only opens her mouth to yell at a child or talk about breastfeeding! LOL


Anna said...

Hey Jessica! Here's a few I've read lately that I enjoyed and that opened up new ideas and worlds to me. I'll leave out the descriptions and let you search them, for brevity:

Under the Banner of Heaven-John Krakauer
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles-Haruki Murakami (he also wrote a non-fiction I intend to read called Underground)
A Very Long Engagement-Sebastien Japrisot
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay-Michael Chabon
One Hundred Years of Solitude-Gabriel Garcia Marquez

I travel a lot so I'm always reading something random!

Cynthia said...

I know how you feel Jess! Lately, I've just wanted a lot of 'easy' books that I can't put down, aren't those the best?

A fiction novel I just read (and loved!) was The Help. Have you heard of it? I am also interested in reading Water for Elephants...

Also, don't laugh at me, I picked up Paula Deen's autobiography (b/c I love her story of rags to riches so to speak). It was good...and if nothing else, a good talking point about some of the things she brings up.

OH! And last but not least, if you have not read LEFT TO TELL by Immaculee Ilibagiza (about the Rwandan Genocide). You must. Such a beautiful story of courage and forgiveness. I finished it in one night. Mesmerizing.

Hope that helps!

Lisa said...

I've read Water for Elephants and remember enjoying it. I also really enjoyed Born to Run, it inspired me to run and Paul to pick up "minimalist" running. Oh, and all those classics that I never read it high school (was I the only one?) like Jane Eyre and The Picture of Dorian Grey. And I could always reread Letter to a Young Catholic.

Oh, not sure if you've heard of this series, but over Christmas I read The Hunger Games trilogy. I really enjoyed it, very difficult to put down. Be warned it is violent, but in the context of the book it is understandable.

Sadly I haven't read much lately, outside of birthing books. But something else that might peak your interest is doing online bible studies. We have a moms bible study but I know some of them do their discussions online.

Good luck!

Henry's Mom said...

Hey Jess!
I second the Hunger Games trilogy. They are young adult novels, so easy, quick reads. They are good and my mom, sister, husband and father have either read them all or are in the process of reading ; - )
Love you!!!