This little family of ours has ventured into a whole new stage....the football stage! That's my big guy, #17, we got the memo about the black pants a little late :)
This amazing, hilarious, little - big guy is my new favorite football player. And let me tell you, he loves it!! Stephen is so in the zone when it's time to practice, or play. He's not the fastest on the team, or the biggest, but he gives his all. I don't make it to the practices, but Alan says he's all in. He listens to the coach, he tries hard, and he is having a blast.
I'm finding it funny, as a mom who was a former athlete and a very competitive person, that I have a hard time with these little 5yr olds have such and intense practice/game schedule and routine. But Alan would disagree - and I'm gonna give him this. I know nothing about football. All I see is my little baby out there, all dressed up like a big boy, getting hit, pushed down, pulled by his mask and yelled at...... but I guess its a boy thing. Stephen never complains, and is up ready to do it again the next day.
I'm so not ready for this!